Susana Cabañero is a photographer and visual artist based in Madrid, SpainHer work focuses on travel and intimate stories that delve into human memory and emotions.

She has been invited to participate in the Nuits des Images (2018), organised by the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne, Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña (2017) and received several awards and mentions, among them, the finalist winner of the LensCulture Street Awards (2015) and the recipient of the XV Albarracin Seminar Award. In 2013 she was a finalist at the International Photographic Contest Alliance Française-Fundación Pilar Citoler.

Her images have been exhibited in ARCOmadrid International Contemporary Art Fair, PhotoEspaña, the Alliance Française, Voies Off Arles, Athens Photo Festival, Istanbul Documentary Days, among others, and published in LensCulture, El País, the Guardian, Vision Magazine China and other national and international online media.

In December 2020, she self-published her first book, Hombrecino (Little man), a project that explores the collective memory of her country through a list of names of people who disappeared in the Spanish Civil War and the memories of her grandfather. The book has been internationally recognised and is part of the archive «Memoria fotográfica de la guerra civil«.


Susana Cabañero es una fotógrafa y artista visual afincada en Madrid, España. Su trabajo personal se centra en el viaje e historias íntimas que ahondan en la memoria y las emociones humanas.

Ha sido invitada a participar en las Nuits des Images (2018), organizadas por el Musée de l’Elysée de Lausana, en Descubrimientos PhotoEspaña (2017) y ha recibido varios premios y menciones, entre ellos,  finalista de los  premios LensCulture Street Awards (2015) y ganadora del Premio del XV Seminario de Albarracín. En 2013 fue finalista del Concurso Internacional de Fotografía Alianza Francesa-Fundación Pilar Citoler.

Sus imágenes se han expuesto en la Feria Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo ARCOmadrid, PhotoEspaña, la Alianza Francesa, Voies Off Arles, Athens Photo Festival, Istanbul Documentary Days, entre otros, y publicadas en LensCulture, El País, The Guardian, Vision Magazine China y otros medios online nacionales e internacionales.

En diciembre de 2020 autopublicó su primer libro, Hombrecino, un proyecto que explora la memoria colectiva de su país a través de una lista de desaparecidos en la Guerra Civil y de los recuerdos de su abuelo. El libro ha recibido varios premios internacionales y forma parte del archivo «Memoria fotográfica de la guerra civil«.


La memoria en los márgenes. Ed. Fundación Anastasio de Gracia, Servicio de publicaciones de la URJC, mayo 2023


Hombrecino, self-published, diciembre 2020



Ecos de la memoria. Fotolibros del presente. Colectiva. Castell de Montjuïc. Barcelona.


Ecos de la memoria. Fotolibros del presente. Colectiva. Museo de Bellas Artes de Castellón.


La memoria en los márgenes. Festival Robert Capa estuvo aquí.

Record Cultural Center, Moscow

Mifa winners exhibition. PhotoPro photo center, Moscow


Nuits des Images. Musée de l’Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland


Athens Photo Festival. Benaki Museum Athens, Greece

Street photography. Blank Wall Gallery, Athens, Greece

UrbanZientzia, Olatu!!!Talka!!! Museo Teknahi 


Albarracín Photography and Journalism Meeting, Audiovisual Projections, Iglesia-Auditorio Santa Maria, Spain

Voies Off Festival, LensCulture, Screening Nights, Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles, France

Género y Figura, audiovisual platform for women photographers.


Second Documentary Photography Days, Turkish Photography Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey

Jornadas de los grandes viajes, ungranviaje.org, Casa del Reloj, Madrid, Spain


No comment, PhotoEspaña Meetings, curated by Julián Barón and Alejandro Castellote, Fundación Telefónica, Madrid, Spain


Landscapes of the Body / Paysages du Corps, Médiatèque of Biarritz, Biarritz, France

Landscapes of the Body / Paysages du Corps, OpenPHoto PhotoEspaña, Alliance Française Madrid, Spain

Ill Encuentros Hispánico Art, fundación Hispánico.nl, Zeddam, the Netherlands

Libros Mutantes Book Fair, dummy Hombrecino, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain

ARCOmadrid, Madrid, Spain


Gold winner in Book category,  Tokyo Foto Awards 2022 


1st Place, Book Self Published, IPA International Photography Awards 2021

Jury Top 5 selection, IPA International Photography Awards 2021

Gold in Book/Documentary & 1st place winner – Book Photographer of the year, Moscow International Foto Awards

Bronze winner Book category, PX3 Prix de la photography Paris

Silver winner in Book Documentary at Budapest International Foto Awards 2021 


Honorable Mention. Conceptual Category, MonoVisions Photography Awards

Selected. Descubrimientos PHE PhotoESPAÑA

Honorable mention. People Category, IPA International Photography Awards


Honorable mention. One-shot: Climate change, Air, IPA International Photography Awards 


Series Finalist. LensCulture Street Photography Awards  

Recipient. XV Albarracin Photography and Journalism Meeting scholarship


Finalist. Landscapes of the Body / Paysages du Corps International Photographic Contest, Alliance Française-Fundación Pilar Citoler 


Finalist. X Albarracin Photography and Journalism Meeting scholarship 

2019. Obligados al silencio, II Festival Robert Capa estuvo aquí, round table discussion organised by Fundación Anastasio de Gracia-FITEL held at Goethe Institut Madrid

2019. Conference about Photobooks and Memory, II Festival Robert Capa estuvo aquí, Espacio EMMA

2010, 2011 , 2015, 2016, 2022. Albarracin Photography and Journalism Meeting

2012. Les Rencontres d’Arles de la Photographie, France

2011. Blankpaper Photography School, Madrid

2004. Diploma on Photojournalism and Documentary Photography, COVER / CORBIS Photo Agency, Madrid

1999. Master’s Degree in Physics, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London

She has also followed photography workshops with Laia Abril, Isabel Muñoz, Gervasio Sánchez, David Jiménez, Nikos Economopoulos, Antonio Xoubanova, and courses on photojournalism, digital photography and documentary film production.

Collection Alliance Française of Spain

Gabriela Cendoya Bergareche Collection, Museo San Telmo San Sebastián

Archivo: Memoria fotográfica de la guerra civil
